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Is this your first trip on an AC Transit bus? Here are some tips on getting started. Hop on board and enjoy the ride.

On and Off the Bus: Service
On and Off the Bus: Service


Allow other passengers to get off before boarding the bus. If you need assistance boarding, ask the operator to kneel the bus. If you have a stroller, cart, or are using a wheelchair/mobility aid, you can request the ramp or passenger lift to help you board. Typically, all buses have priority seating areas near the door for seniors and persons with disabilities. 

If there aren’t any seats available and you’re able to stand for the ride, hold onto the stanchions and handrails as the bus may stop abruptly. 

Bikes: All AC Transit buses are equipped with bike racks. Learn how to load your bike at Bikes On Board

Strollers: AC Transit buses are stroller friendly. Please follow these guidelines when boarding the bus with a stroller.

Before your trip, make sure to review our Rider Etiquette.


​AC Transit 101 â–¶ Plan Your Trip â–¶ On And Off The Bus â–¶

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